Welcome to the University Tutoring Center

Tutoring Services Announcements

Our tutoring staff are current bc365游戏 undergraduate students who excel in the areas which they tutor. We strive to develop a tutoring schedule that provides as many available hours as possible for a variety of courses. We encourage students to plan ahead and view the schedule to avoid situations in which there is no tutor available. 

  • The Tutoring Lab is open Monday-Thursday from 1 pm-4 pm; 6-10pm
  • From 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM, tutoring services are located in Student Success Center- Room 203
  • From 6:00- 10:00 PM, tutoring services are located in the bc365游戏 Taylor Library- 1st Floor (Sandra Campbell Conference Room)
  • For Online/Off-campus students, Zoom options are also available. Please check with individual tutors for scheduling.

To schedule an appointment with a tutor, select their name and follow the prompts on the Calendly platform.

Alexia: Comp I & II, Biology I & II and labs, Intro. Sociology, College Algebra, American History I & II, Interpersonal Communication, Principles of Management, Prin. Marketing, Prin. Microeconomics, Bus. Statistics, Int'l. Business

Aliyah: Composition 1 and 2; Composition Lab; World History since 1500; Creative Writing; Music Appreciation; Quant. Lit. w/Review, Intro. Algebra, World Literature II, British Lit. II

Brody: Gen. Chem 1 & II and labs, Quantitative Literacy w/Review, Anatomy & Physiology I & II and labs, Intro Chemistry and lab, Gen. Chemistry I & II and labs, Intro Sociology, Intro Psychology, Business and Profes. Speech, Comp I &  II

Bruna: Anatomy & Physiology I & II and labs, Composition I, Intro. Psychology, College Algebra, Plane Trigonometry, Gen. Biology, Quant. Lit., Macroeconomics

Emma Kate: Composition 1 & 2, Film Appreciation, Public Speaking, Intro to Psychology, Intro to Sociology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Statistical Methods 1, Research Methods 1, Principles of Guidance and Counseling

Chiara: Intro to Business, Business Stats I & II, International Business, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Business Communications, Principles of Macroeconomics, Principes of Microeconomics, Business Ethics, Principles of Marketing, Spanish I, Quant. Lit w/ Review, Microcomputer Apps

Lizzie: Principles of Biology I & II and lab; Genetics; Gen Chem I & II and lab;  Composition Iⅈ  Trigonometry; College Algebra; Calculus I & II